Random Tarot Generator-Skate America 2016

So, the random tarot generator’s back. By the way, credit to Sarah from the Finer Sports blog who ran one last year during Skate Canada, and inspired me to borrow it for my blog.

Also, in case anyone’s wondering how I can do this when the competition’s over, I’m trying to use a randomizer to predict who from the SA medalists are going to the Grand Prix Final.

And since the Final is in Marseilles, we’re using the Marseilles deck for this season.

Uno: La Force (Strength): Raw power. Health and physical fortitude. A surge of tremendous force. Recovery from sickness. Victory after apprehension and fear. The ability to face and overcome opposition brings the inner qualities of strength and forbearance. Delays and setbacks will be overcome.

Brown: La Roue de Fortune (Wheel of Fortune): The path of destiny. Karma on a grand scale. An unexpected turn of good fortune. A link in the chain of events. Success, luck, and happiness.

Rippon: Ace of Coins: The seed of prosperity and material gain – perhaps as yet unseen. A new foundation from which to turn your dreams into reality. The need to focus on the practical and understand the dynamics of the natural world. May represent a gift, document, inheritance, or an unexpected opportunity for physical achievement.

Wagner: Le Bateleur (The Magician): Mastery over word, mind, and matter. The ability to turn ideas into actions, handle problems, and control one’s life. The initiation of new projects, great works, or a new way of life. Eloquent and moving communication. Arcane and eldritch technologies.

Bell: Nine of Batons (Strength): A pause in the current struggle to ready oneself. Preparation to meet the final conclusive onslaught. Forces assembled in anticipation of trials and tribulations. The steeling of the will to stand or fall. A line drawn in the sand.

Mihara: Two of Swords (Peace): Contradictory characteristics brought together as a means of resolving a conflict. Refusing to be ruled by negative emotions. Strife brought to a close through clarity of mind and restraint of force. Turning a blind eye to the minor infractions of others.

Seguin/Bilodeau: Four of Swords (Truce): A time of tranquility and intellectual repose in the midst of a great struggle. A temporary retreat from stress to regather inner strength, reaffirm convictions, reorganize thoughts, and formulate a new plan. The need for vigilance in a moment of calm. May suggest a withdrawal from the material world to find spiritual guidance.

Denney/Frasier: Ten of Batons (Oppression): Success and gain, leading you to take on a burden greater than you can carry. Noble leadership transformed, through lack of restraint, into tyranny. The crushing weight of ultimate responsibility. Having spent their fuel, the engines of creation grind to a halt.

Tarasova/Morozov: Two of Coins (Change): Balance and harmony achieved in a time of upheaval and transformation. Taking two steps forward for every one step back. Shifting the importance of projects and priorities to keep everything on track. A change in occupation or location.

Shibutani/Shibutani: Nine of Cups (Happiness): Contentment and satisfaction in romance, friendship, or other relationships. Achieving your deepest desires and savoring beauty and sensual pleasures. A state of joy and abundance radiating fulfillment and bliss.

Hubbell/Donohue: Seven of Coins (Assessment): A pause to check on the progress of your labors. Making difficult financial decisions. Exercising patience and perseverance. Evaluating the status of your work and your options for the future.

Bobrova/Soloviev: Roy de Deniers (King of Coins), when reversed: The dark essence of earth behaving as air, such as a diamond: An unyielding businessman, with a gift for identifying weakness and exploiting it for personal gain. One well informed about material affairs, but ignorant of larger, more pressing issues. A blind devotee of business as usual, unconcerned with the unintended results, and contemptuous of new ideas. A person full of greed and avarice, easily corrupted by luxury or the temptations of the flesh.

So… this actually is the other deck except in French. But let’s just keep it around for this season.

The tarot generator seems optimistic about everyone here except D/F and B/S. Let’s hope it’s just as optimistic about everyone else…




Random Tarot Generator-Skate America 2016

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