Random Tarot Generator-Cup Of China Ladies Event

Actually, I lied. Let’s start with this.

(I actually made this blog because I wanted a place to dump my results from this somewhere that wasn’t the forum. Sorry everyone, I hope I’m not boring you.)

So, what the cards said is below the read more. Even though I trust them about as much as I trust my ability to throw a cat into a vat of lemon juice.

Mao Asada: Ace of Swords: The seed of victory – perhaps as yet unseen. A challenge to be met and solved through the invocation of force. An opportunity to bring reason and intelligence to bear in the pursuit of justice and truth. An excessive power that must not be abused. May suggest new ideas or information that can reveal a solution to the problem at hand.

Rika Hongo: Six of Swords (Science), when reversed: Conceit and intellectual pride. Being stuck in a problem which has no apparent solution. Frustration and anxiety that are left unsettled. Travel and exploration are delayed.

Zijun Li: Ten of Pentacles (Wealth), when reversed: Material prosperity and riches squandered through slothfulness, gambling, or family problems. The loss of reputation or inheritance, or the failure to pass an inheritance along to one’s children.

Ziquan Zhao: Page of Cups: The essence of water behaving as earth, such as a wellspring: An unexpected new relationship that is playful and spontaneous. A romantic soul who embraces compassion and imagination with childlike joy. Gentle reflections on love, spirituality, and the importance of personal relationships in business and material affairs. May herald the birth of a child.

Zheng Lu:  Knight of Cups, when reversed: The dark essence of water behaving as fire, such as a flash flood: Deceptive charm in the service of intense insecurity and rapidly shifting moods. Selfishness, indolence, and a complete lack of maturity. Misguided idealism divorced from practicality. Destructive romantic passions and infidelity.

Soyoun Park: Queen of Swords, when reversed: The dark essence of air behaving as water, such as a cold rain: A person gifted with both keen logic and natural intuition, giving them uncanny powers of perception and insight. One who easily sees the weakness in any argument, and savages friend and foe alike with biting sarcasm. Dry and vicious wit covering a hollow sense of isolation and dissatisfaction with life.

Anna Pogorilaya: Two of Cups (Love), when reversed: Instability in romance, friendship, or business. A deep infatuation that excludes existing friends. A false promise or premature commitment. The entanglement of male and female interpreted in the broadest sense. The profaning of the sacred through the introduction of base desire. Folly, depletion, and waste. May suggest conflict, divorce, or a severing of ties.

Elena Radionova: The Chariot, when reversed: Ineffective use of force. Might turned against the weak or the righteous. Senseless violence and warmongering. Lack of discipline and poor direction fan the flames of a situation already out of control. Advance without consideration of the consequences for others.

Nicole Rajikova:  Temperance, when reversed: Lack of restraint and self-control. Losing one’s cool. Energies dispersed through conflicts in personal, business, and spiritual matters.

Karen Chen: Four of Swords (Truce), when reversed: Restlessness and mental disharmony. Deserting a struggle in progress. A temporary retreat from stress that turns into a permanent rout. A lack of vigilance that could lead to disaster.

Courtney Hicks:  Five of Swords (Defeat): A success earned through personal degradation. Separation from friends brought about by an unfeeling and coldly calculated act. Temporary victory tainted by dishonor and providing fuel for eventual defeat.

Hannah Miller: Queen of Wands, when reversed: The dark essence of fire behaving as water, such as steam: The natural embodiment of passion and sensuality, who will do anything to the be the center of attention. A seducer who calculatingly dons the guise of what others desire. A cocky and domineering person, who pushes anyone or anything aside to get what she wants. One who is vengeful and quick to take offense without good cause. May indicate infidelity and contempt for a relationship.

Um… from the randomizer, we’re in for an awful competition for everyone. Except Mao. And maybe Ziquan?

Random Tarot Generator-Cup Of China Ladies Event

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