Highs and Lows-American, Canadian, and Russian Junior Nationals 2016

The end result of having three national championships in around the same time is that you end up watching bits and pieces of all of them for a week, which leads towards a figure skating high.

There were a lot of great skates, though.

Continue reading “Highs and Lows-American, Canadian, and Russian Junior Nationals 2016”

Highs and Lows-American, Canadian, and Russian Junior Nationals 2016

Random Tarot Generator-Cup Of China Ladies Event

Actually, I lied. Let’s start with this.

(I actually made this blog because I wanted a place to dump my results from this somewhere that wasn’t the forum. Sorry everyone, I hope I’m not boring you.)

So, what the cards said is below the read more. Even though I trust them about as much as I trust my ability to throw a cat into a vat of lemon juice.

Continue reading “Random Tarot Generator-Cup Of China Ladies Event”

Random Tarot Generator-Cup Of China Ladies Event